Sorry for not posting anything for so long.
Currently busy helping church here building their website. It's almost done and can be checked at just need the content ready.
Codility Answers 04
Here is my answer to Cod1l1ty training lesson 04.
Should use merge sort for best performance, but because I didn't know how to do it yet, so I'll leave it like this for now.
function solution($A) { //// Brute-force way // $n = count($A); // $max = null; // for($p = 0; $p < $n - 2; $p++) { // for($q = $p + 1; $q < $n -1; $q++) { // for($r = $q + 1; $r < $n; $r++) { // $product = $A[$p] * $A[$q] * $A[$r]; // if($max === null || $max < $product){ // $max = $product; // } // } // } // } // Better way $p = null; $q = null; $r = null; $p1 = null; $q1 = null; $r1 = null; foreach($A as $val){ if($p === null || $val >= $p) { $r = $q; $q = $p; $p = $val; }elseif($q === null || $val >= $q) { $r = $q; $q = $val; }elseif($r === null || $val >= $r) { $r = $val; } if($p1 === null || $val <= $p1) { $r1 = $q1; $q1 = $p1; $p1 = $val; }elseif($q1 === null || $val <= $q1) { $r1 = $q1; $q1 = $val; }elseif($r1 === null || $val <= $r1) { $r1 = $val; } } if($p >= 0){ if($r <= 0 || $p1 * $q1 > $q * $r) { $q = $p1; $r = $q1; } } return $p*$q*$r; }
Codility Answers 03
Here is my answer to Cod1l1ty training lesson 03.
function solution($a, $b, $k) { $i = ($a % $k == 0 ? $a : $a + ($k - ($a % $k))); $ret = 0; if ($i < $b) { $ret = (int)(($b - $i) / $k) + 1; }elseif($i == $a){ $ret = 1; } return $ret; }
function solution($A) { $n = count($A); $sum = []; $m = 0; for($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) { if($A[$i] == 0) { $sum[] = 0; $m++; }elseif($m > 0){ $sum[$m - 1]++; } } $sumTot = 0; for($i = 0; $i < $m; $i++) { $sumTot += ($sum[$i] + ($i * $sum[$i])); if($sumTot > 1000000000) { return -1; } } return $sumTot; }
function solution($A) { $n = count($A); $idx = 0; $min = null; $sums = [$A[0]]; for($p = 0; $p < $n - 1; $p++) { for($q = $p + 1; $q < $n; $q++) { $sums[$q] = $sums[$q - 1] + $A[$q]; $avg = ($sums[$q] - $sums[$p] + $A[$p]) / ($q - $p + 1); if($avg < $min || $min === null) { $min = $avg; $idx = $p; } } } return $idx; }
function solution($S, $P, $Q) { $ret = []; $m = count($P); for($i = 0; $i < $m; $i++) { $min = ''; for($j = $P[$i]; $j <= $Q[$i]; $j++) { if($min == '' || $min > $S[$j]) { $min = $S[$j]; } } switch($min) { case 'A': $ret[] = 1; break; case 'C': $ret[] = 2; break; case 'G': $ret[] = 3; break; default: $ret[] = 4; } } return $ret; }
Codility Answers 02
Here is my answer to Cod1l1ty training lesson 02.
function solution($X, $A) { $c = count($A); $current = 0; $leaves = []; for($i = 0; $i < $c; $i++){ if($current + 1 == $A[$i]){ $current++; } while($current < $X){ if(!isset($leaves[$current + 1])){ break; }else{ $current++; } } if($current >= $X){ return $i; } $leaves[$A[$i]] = 1; } return -1; }
function solution($a) { $tempArr = []; $n = count($a); for($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++){ if($a[$i] > $n || isset($tempArr[$a[$i]])){ return 0; } $tempArr[$a[$i]] = 1; } return 1; }
function solution($a) { $tempArr = []; $missing = 1; $n = count($a); $lookAtTemp = false; for($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++){ if($a[$i] == $missing){ $missing++; $lookAtTemp = true; }else{ $tempArr[$a[$i]] = 1; } while($missing < $n + 1 && $lookAtTemp){ if(isset($tempArr[$missing])){ $missing++; }else{ $lookAtTemp = false; } } } return $missing; }
class ct{ private $arr; private $ct; public function __construct($n){ $this->ct = $n; for($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++){ $this->arr[$i] = 0; } } public function increase($x){ $this->arr[$x-1] += 1; } public function maxCounter(){ $max = 0; foreach($this->arr as $val){ $max = ($max < $val ? $val : $max); } for($i = 0; $i <= $this->ct; $i++){ $this->arr[$i] = $max; } } public function getArr(){ return $this->arr; } } function solution($n, $a) { $counter = new ct($n); foreach($a as $val){ if($val >= 1 && $val <= $n){ $counter->increase($val); }elseif($val == $n + 1){ $counter->maxCounter(); } } return $counter->getArr(); }
Cake Bank
Tutorial on how to use CakePHP to make the same banking that we do before. So far, it looks more simple that directly using PHP.
Here, I'll also show you how to setup Netbeans to use a remote server.
Sorry for the silence, I think without sound makes it faster :p
Here, I'll also show you how to setup Netbeans to use a remote server.
Sorry for the silence, I think without sound makes it faster :p
Codility Answers 01
Here is my answer to Cod1l1ty training lesson 01.
function sumArr(array $a){ $n = count($a); $sum = 0; for($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++){ $sum += $a[$i]; } return $sum; } function solution(array $a) { $n = count($a); if($n == 1){ return $a[0]; } $min = null; $p = 1; $sum1 = 0; $sum2 = sumArr($a); do{ $sum1 += $a[$p - 1]; $sum2 -= $a[$p - 1]; $diff = abs($sum1 - $sum2); if($diff == 0){ return 0; }elseif($min === null || $diff < $min){ $min = $diff; } $p++; }while($p < $n); return $min; }
function solution($x, $y, $d) { $dist = $y - $x; if($dist % $d >= 1){ return ((int)($dist / $d) + 1); }else{ return (int)($dist / $d); } }
function solution($a) { $tempArr = []; $missing = 1; $n = count($a); $lookAtTemp = false; for($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++){ if($a[$i] == $missing){ $missing++; $lookAtTemp = true; }else{ $tempArr[$a[$i]] = 1; } while($missing < $n + 1 && $lookAtTemp){ if(isset($tempArr[$missing])){ $missing++; }else{ $lookAtTemp = false; } } } return $missing; }
Web Development Study - Creating a simple online banking
Hi all,
For this chance, I'll make an online banking site using XAMPP. All development process will be recorded without cuts so you can see step by step of this tutorial that I get from this project.
Tools requirement:
For this chance, I'll make an online banking site using XAMPP. All development process will be recorded without cuts so you can see step by step of this tutorial that I get from this project.
Tools requirement:
- Basic PHP understanding
- Basic SQL understanding
- XAMPP installed and functional
- Netbeans for PHP
- GitHub account that can be accessed.
- yEd (optional)
- LibreOffice - Writer (optional)
After this project is finished, all files will be available here.
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